Incubator for girl-led solutions in ASRHR


There is a low agency in decision-making for adolescent girls and young women in the projects targeting them regarding their reproductive health. This is due to unequal power dynamics at household, community and policy levels.


Design with adolescent girls and young women in the driver’s seat when it comes to programs targeting them. Shifting power back to the girls and building their agency in the process.


The Billion Girls Collab fellowship conducted an entire HCD approach in partnership with community-based organizations to conduct design sprints, where adolescents were primary thought partners in the process, conducting design research, ideating and refining concepts.


We co-created three concepts with the adolescents and IDEO Design team, which were taken up by the community-based organizations and implemented. The concepts addressed the lack of ASRHR information, poor menstrual hygiene management, economic empowerment and bridging the digital divide.

This project was commissioned by IDEO, and implemented by Mercy, who is part of Proportion Global. If you’ve enjoyed reading this case and want to dive deeper, we’d love to hear from you and we will connect you with the relevant designers like Mercy, who worked on this project. Contact Us


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