Leonard Cheshire project – SHR


In West Africa, people living with disabilities face significant challenges in accessing essential health services. They are often marginalized, discriminated against, and excluded from social, economic, and political activities. This exclusion extends to healthcare, where people living with disabilities face numerous barriers to accessing care, including physical, communication, and financial barriers


We were assigned by Leonard Cheshire and Mari Stopes to see how we can make SRH service accessible to people living with disability in Senegal and Sierra Leone.


We approach the assignment with the following process: literature review, research, ideation and iteration and formulation


We designed communication tools for community-based work and clinic staff to interact with people living with a disability. We also developed clinical equipment that was adapted for them. We provided some recommendations on how the local clinic service can arranged to offer a positive experience.

This project was commissioned by Leonard Cheshire and Marie Stopes. If you’ve enjoyed reading this case and want to dive deeper, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us to discuss ideas, ask questions, or explore collaboration. Let’s turn curiosity into action together. Contact Us


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