Academy of Women Entrepreneurs Senegal


The Academy of Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) in Senegal was a project spearheaded by USAID to empower women entrepreneurs in the region. Recognizing the importance of fostering economic growth and gender equality, the initiative aimed to provide women with the necessary skills, resources, and support to thrive in the entrepreneurial landscape.


As the innovation coach for the AWE project, the primary objective was to leverage the Human-Centered Design (HCD) methodology to guide and support women entrepreneurs in Senegal. This involved facilitating workshops, providing mentorship, and implementing strategies tailored to the unique challenges and needs of female entrepreneurs in the local context.


The approach centered around HCD principles, emphasizing empathy, iteration, and collaboration. Through interactive workshops and one-on-one coaching sessions, participants were encouraged to identify and understand the pain points and opportunities within their businesses. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, the aim was to co-create innovative solutions that addressed the specific challenges faced by women entrepreneurs in Senegal.


The AWE project yielded promising results, empowering women entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles and unlock their full potential. Through the adoption of HCD methodologies, participants were able to develop innovative strategies, enhance their business acumen, and expand their networks. Ultimately, the project contributed to fostering a culture of entrepreneurship and economic empowerment among women in Senegal, paving the way for sustainable growth and social impact.

This project was commissioned by USAID. If you’ve enjoyed reading this case and want to dive deeper, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us to discuss ideas, ask questions, or explore collaboration. Let’s turn curiosity into action together. Contact Us


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